Wednesday 2/12/25: Due to staffing, The Redemption Center will be closing at 3pm today.
THURSDAY 1/13/25
*** Coastal Redemption Center ***
*** Community Supports Services ***
*** Main Office at 35 Limerock St in Camden ***
Providing an environment to feel challenged, be successful, and improve self-esteem.
Apply for EmploymentCoastal Opportunities is a private, nonprofit corporation whose mission is to assist adults with developmental disabilities to become participating members of their social and economic community.
Every year, we help 90 adults with developmental disabilities receive day and/or residential assistance. We employ over 85 people, and have 11 sites to support individuals in Camden, Rockport, Rockland, Owls Head, Hope, and Thomaston. Our primary service area is Knox County.
Coastal Opportunities provides a variety of services to adults in the day and employment programs. Long-term support is provided to individuals who sort bottles at the Coastal Redemption Center. On-site day programming is provided at the Thomas F. Corcoran Center and the Olive Coates Center, both located on Limerock Street in Camden.
In addition to providing training and employment opportunities, individuals in Coastal Opportunities volunteer their time at worthy local charities like Meals On Wheels, and Goodwill. We believe strongly in working with organizations to help both the local community, as well as our participants.
Designed to enhance the personal and social skills of all individuals so that they can be fully participating members of the local community. Our participants also volunteer at various local charities to help support our community.
Community ServicesA range of care and supervision levels in six Knox County communities, where the homes and their residents have been welcomed. We believe in offering around the clock assistance and training when it is needed.
Residential ServicesCoastal Opportunities participants are visible throughout the community as they head to work at a variety of local businesses. Their jobs, attuned to their abilities and skills, provide income, camaraderie, and enhanced self-esteem.
Work SupportA steady flow of cars arrives five days a week at the Coastal Redemption Center, established 40 years ago when Maine became the third state to adopt a “Bottle Bill.” Many customers opt to donate their bottles to Coastal Opportunities.
Redemption CenterWe know that equality of individual ability has never existed and never will, but we do insist that equality of opportunity still must be sought.